Documents and Downloads

Jacksonville ARTCC


Name Description Updated Actions
ZJX vATIS 4.0 Information Instructions for the installation and use of vATIS 4,0 2022-06-11
vATIS 4.0 Profile vATIS Profile v4.0 for all Class Charlie Fields, F11, JAX and DAB APP.. 2024-04-21

General SOP

Name Description Updated Actions
ZJX ARTCC Code of Conduct ZJX-1001 1-1. This document establishes the operating guidelines for all members of ZJX. 2022-04-14
ZJX Administrative Process for Situation Awareness ZJX-1005 1-1 Initial Release 2022-09-30
ZJX General Control Policy ZJX-1003 1-1. This document establishes the general control procedures for all control operations in the Jacksonville ARTCC. 2022-04-14

Airspace SOP

Name Description Updated Actions
ZJX C1 Practical OTS Requirement Sheet This document establishes the requirements for the practical portion of the C1 OTS 2022-04-16
ZJX Major Ground Checkout Requirement Sheet This document establishes the requirements for the practical portion of the Major Ground Checkout 2022-04-16
ZJX Major Tower Checkout Requirement Sheet This document establishes the requirements for the practical portion of the Major Tower Checkout 2022-04-16
ZJX Major Tracon Checkout Requirement Sheet This document establishes the requirements for the practical portion of the Major Tracon Checkout 2022-04-16
ZJX Mentor in Training Program Guidelines ZJX-1012 1-1. This document establishes guidelines for the mentor in training program. 2022-04-21
ZJX S1 Practical Checkout Requirement Sheet For reference only; legacy document 2024-02-18
ZJX S2 Practical Checkout Requirement Sheet For reference only; legacy document 2024-02-18
ZJX S3 Practical OTS Requirement Sheet This document establishes the requirements for the practical portion of the S3 OTS 2022-04-16

Airspace SOP

Name Description Updated Actions
Limited Enroute Configuration Controller SOP 2024-05-22
P31 TRACON SOP Standard Operating Procedure for controlling the P31 Pensacola TRACON. ZJX-11.C 2022-02-19


Name Description Updated Actions
New York Oceanic (ZWY) Operational Operational letter of agreement with vZWY. 2020-09-09
ZDC LOA View in WIKI 2023-04-22
ZHU LOA View in Wiki 2023-04-22
ZMA LOA View in WIKI 2023-09-07


Name Description Updated Actions
Approach Freqs for Sectors w/o SOPs Reference for frequencies of TRACONS w/o ZJX SOPs 2022-02-19
CRC ERAM Instructions for ZJX controllers Pub 20-APR-2021 2024-05-03
KMCO Airlines & Airsides Real World Airline Position Reference. 2024-04-14
Limited Enroute Configuration Pilot For Pilots 2024-05-25
METAR Decode Key Useful document for decoding METAR's 2021-04-17
PDC Instructions Instructions for use of Pre-Departure Clearances in ALIAS text file. 2023-08-27
Ultra Low Sector Map Ultra Low Sector Map 2024-01-19
Ultra Low Sector Map Key Identifies Ultra Low Sector name, Operation Type and Radio Name 2024-01-19
Wake Turbulence Sheetus Cheatus Tables for Wake Turbulence Separation 2024-06-27
ZJX Alias Command Reference Alias Command Instructions 2024-05-24
ZJX Alias Controller Guide PDF ZJX Alias Controller Guide PDF 2024-05-26
ZJX Sheetus Cheatus ZJX Sheetus Cheatus 2021-06-08
ZJX VOR Diagram ZJX VOR Diagram 2018-08-28


Name Description Updated Actions
Military OPS Controller Guide Guidelines for dealing with military aircraft 2024-05-02
Military Training Route Guidelines for Military Training Routes 2022-08-08
Special Use Airspace Special Use Airspaces 2022-08-09
VATSIM VSOA Policy VATSIM VSOA Policy 2022-08-08


Name Description Updated Actions
Audio for VATSIM step-by-step Instructions, step-by-step, to assist controllers in connecting via the new AFV codec. Includes use of additional stations/frequencies, cross-linking of stations, and SWIFT interface and 2020-01-04
City Beautiful event banner event banner 2024-06-18
New ZJX Logo New Logo 2023-01-16
SSS CHS Banner Banner 2024-06-17
SSS MYR Banner MYR banner 2024-06-17
VATSIM Logo VATSIM Logo 2023-01-02
ZJX Light Logo Jacksonville Light Logo 2020-01-01
ZJX Logo Cropped Cropped Logo 2023-01-19
ZJX Logo Halloween ZJX Logo Halloween 2023-09-04
green plane green plane 2023-08-20
plane plane 2022-11-16
purple plane purple plane 2023-08-20
red plane red plane 2023-08-20
vZJX Staff Up | KMCO Banner 2024-05-06


Name Description Updated Actions
2313 AIRAC NavData Valid (from/to): 28/DEC/2023 - 25/JAN/2024 Note: If you are a NaviGraph subscriber and have your data manager properly configured, you do not need this file. 2023-12-28
F11 vSTARS profile vSTARS F11 (Central Florida) TRACON Be sure to update your nav data. AFE: Howard Snider 2023-11-08
How to: Add VRC font to Windows Download and add the VRC font to display symbols correctly in VRC 2023-11-08
KCAE vSTARS profile vSTARS Columbia vSTARS TRACON Be sure to update your nav data. AFE: Howard Snider 2023-11-08
KCHS vSTARS Profile vSTARS Charleston TRACON Be sure to update your nav data. AFE: Howard Snider 2023-11-08
KDAB vSTARS profile vSTARS Daytona Beach TRACON Be sure to update your nav data. AFE: Howard Snider 2023-11-08
KJAX vSTARS Profile vSTARS Jacksonville TRACON Be sure to update your nav data. AFE: Howard Snider 2023-11-08
KMYR vSTARS Profile vSTARS Myrtle Beach TRACON Be sure to update your nav data. AFE: Howard Snider 2023-11-08
KPNS vSTARS profile vSTARS Pensacola TRACON Be sure to update your nav data. AFE: Howard Snider 2023-11-08
KSAV vSTARS profile vSTARS Savannah TRACON Be sure to update your nav data. AFE: Howard Snider 2023-11-08
KTLH vSTARS profile vSTARS Tallahassee TRACON Be sure to update your nav data. AFE: Howard Snider 2023-11-08
Sweatbox Server File This is the Server File for Sweatbox 1 and 2 2023-11-08
VRC Font Fixes abnormal symbols in VRC. Place in Windows font folder. 2023-11-08
ZJX 2313 Master Sector File Valid (from/to): 28/DEC/2023 - 28/JAN/2024 Maintained for backward compatibility.. 2023-12-31
ZJX Master Alias File Current until updated (check date) 2023-11-08
ZJX Master POF File Current until updated (check date) 2023-11-08
vERAM Profile - Jacksonville ZJX vERAM Profile. Note: POF, NavData, and Alias files must be updated separately 2023-11-08
vSTARS Information Guide Eff 07-MAR-2021 2023-11-08
vSTARS vERAM AIRAC Update Directions for updating the AIRAC Cycle in vSTARS and vERAM. 2023-11-08
vSTARS vERAM AIRAC Update Directions for updating the AIRAC Cycle in vSTARS and vERAM. 2023-11-08