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Welcome to Jacksonville


Top Control for July
Martin Mejia
69:31 Hours
Next ARTCC Event
The City Beautiful
Jul 31, 2024 at 23:00z/ 19:00 EDT
Newest Home Controller
Miguel Encarnacion (OBS)
Join ZJX on July 24, 2024
ZJX News
For more information and other news visit us on Discord

Upcoming Events
The City Beautiful
Hosted by: vZJX

Jul 31, 2024 at 23:00z/ 19:00 EDT
Light Up America
Hosted by: VATUSA

Aug 09, 2024 at 23:00z/ 19:00 EDT
Expected ATC as of July 27 @ 02:21z

Note: Expected coverage does not guarantee coverage will be present

July Stats
785:11 Hours Controlled This Month

Martin Mejia- 69:31 Hours
Alejandro Jaramillo- 49:00 Hours
Angel Ledesma- 48:46 Hours
Welcome to our Newest Home Controllerrs

Miguel Encarnacion (OBS) Join ZJX on July 24, 2024
Christopher Mangan (S1) Join ZJX on July 23, 2024
Landry Palata (OBS) Join ZJX on July 22, 2024
Controllers Online as of July 27 @ 02:21z

JAX_30_CTR Nick Humphreys
Started at 0051z